Information Polonium
Дезинформационные атаки против диссидентов в США
Изготовлен в России. Применен в Америке. Отравляет весь мир.

This page will soon be updated with the full story of Alex Goldfarb, the prominent US-based Russian dissident who:

in 2000 brought Alexander Litvinenko to London

in 2003 cooperated with Andrew Mogilyansky to bring Svetlana Gubareva to Washington to testify agains the FSB and Vladimir Putin;

in 2006 stood by Alexander Litvinenko's deathbed accusing Vladimir Putin of murder;

has campaigned for two decades against Vladimir Putin, the FSB and the Russian government;

was assaulted with an Information Polonium misinformation campaign by Russia's top TV channels;

in 2018 sued the Russian government's media companies for knowingly spreading false news(Information Polonium).